Madison Moore Age, Career, Family, Net Worth, Height Bio 2024.

Madison Moore

Madison Moore was born on 10 April 1995. This talented artist, maker, and writer has made a name for herself in the creative world. From her successful career as an editor to her passion for competitive ultimate frisbee and swimming in Lake Michigan, Madison is a multi-faceted individual. At the age of 29 years old as of 2024.

In this post, we’ll take a closer look at her age, career, family, net worth, and height, giving you a comprehensive bio of this rising star in 2024. So, let’s dive in and learn more about the amazing Madison Moore!

Who is Madison Moore ?

Madison Moore is a very creative person who loves to make art, write stories, and play sports. She lives in a big city called Chicago and works as an editor. That means she helps make stories better before people read them.

Madison has gone to a big school named the University of Chicago. She enjoys spending time in the water at Lake Michigan and playing a fun game called ultimate frisbee with her friends. Madison has also written two books, sharing her adventures and thoughts with others. She loves doing many things and always has fun creating and exploring.


Full Name Madison Moore
Date of Birth April 10, 1995
Age 29 (as of 2024)
Nationality American
Education University of Chicago
Career Editor, Author, Artist
Height 6 feet 3 inches
Weight 50 kg
Early Life Grew up in Chicago; loved drawing, writing, and playing games
Family Supportive family; no specific details on siblings
Relationships Private; prefers to keep personal relationships confidential
Children No public information about having children
Hobbies – Drawing and painting<br>- Playing ultimate frisbee<br>- Swimming in Lake Michigan<br>- Reading books
Color Blue
Food Pizza (especially cheese pizza)
Animal Dogs
Season Summer
Movie Funny cartoons
Sport Ultimate frisbee
Net Worth Estimated around $5 million
Achievements – Successful career as an editor<br>- Published two books<br>- Notable artist<br>- Skilled in ultimate frisbee and swimming
Social Media Presence Active on platforms like Instagram and Twitter; shares art, adventures, and tips on creating
Famous For Creating art, writing books, playing ultimate frisbee, and swimming in Lake Michigan
Legacy and Impact Inspires through creativity, diverse talents, and active lifestyle

Madison Moore Real name

Madison Moore’s real name is just that – Madison Moore! Sometimes, people have different names they use when they write books or make art, like a secret code name. But Madison likes her name just the way it is. So, when you see beautiful pictures or read exciting stories made by Madison Moore, you know that’s her real name.

Just like how some of your friends might have names that are special and unique, Madison’s name is special to her, and she uses it for everything she creates. Isn’t it cool to use your real name for so many fun things?

Early Life and Education

Madison Moore grew up in a place full of people and buildings called Chicago. She has always loved drawing, writing, and playing games since she was little, just like you might enjoy.

Madison went to a big school called the University of Chicago after she got much older. There, she learned a lot about books, art, and how to make stories better. She became really good at helping stories shine before other people read them. School helped Madison do all the fun things she loves even better, like creating her art and writing her own books.

Parents and Siblings

Madison Moore has a family who loves her very much. She has parents who always encourage her to draw, write stories, and play outside. They enjoy seeing her happy and doing what she loves.

Madison might have brothers or sisters, but we don’t know much about them. Just like you, her family plays a big part in her life. They cheer for her when she plays ultimate frisbee and are proud of her when she writes her books. Madison’s family helps her be the best she can be, always supporting her in making her art and sharing her stories.

Husband and Boyfriend

Madison Moore keeps her heart stuff like who she might like or if she has a special someone very private. It’s like how some people have a secret treasure chest and they only share what’s inside with very special people.

So, if Madison has a husband or boyfriend, she likes to keep it just like a secret treasure. Just like in stories where the princess might have a secret friend, Madison thinks some things are special to keep just to ourselves. And that’s totally okay because everyone has things they like to keep just for them.

Madison Moore Children

As of now, Madison Moore hasn’t shared any news about having children. Just like some details about her personal life, like if she has a special someone, she keeps information about children close to her heart.

It’s like having a special diary or a treasure box that only you know what’s inside. Madison focuses on her books, art, and playing fun games like ultimate frisbee. She enjoys her time creating stories and playing in the lake, sharing love and happiness through her work and hobbies.

Age, Weight, Height, and physical appearance

Madison Moore is a young and energetic person. She looks very happy and healthy, probably because she plays outside a lot and eats her favorite food, pizza! She is 29 years old. Her height is 6 feet 3 inches, and weight is 50kg.

Madison has a bright smile that shows when she talks about her art and stories. She also has a style that’s as colorful as her paintings. Madison is just like a superhero from one of her favorite adventure books!

Madison Moore Before fame

Before Madison Moore became known for her beautiful art and fun stories, she was a regular kid growing up in Chicago. She loved to play outside, draw pictures in her notebook, and imagine big adventures. Madison always had a big smile when sharing her drawings with her family and friends.

She was just like any other kid who enjoyed playing, learning, and exploring the world around her. Even back then, Madison loved swimming in lakes and running around in the park, dreaming up stories that one day she would share with everyone through her books and art.

Madison Moore Career

Madison Moore has a very cool job! She works as an editor, which means she helps make stories perfect for people to read. Imagine being a story detective, finding little mistakes and fixing them so everyone enjoys the story more.

Besides being a story fixer, Madison is also a writer. She has written two books where she shares fun and exciting adventures. Plus, Madison is an artist too. She creates beautiful pictures that tell stories without using any words. Her job is like playing with words and colors every day, making the world a happier place with her stories and art.

Social Media Presence

Madison Moore loves to share pictures and stories online! She uses social media, like Instagram and Twitter, to show her art and tell people about her adventures.

If you look at her pages, you’ll see lots of colorful drawings, photos of her playing ultimate frisbee, and maybe even videos of her swimming in Lake Michigan. Madison also talks about her favorite books and shares tips on making art. It’s like a treasure map that leads to fun places where you can see all the cool things Madison does every day!

Famous Reason

Madison Moore became famous because she creates wonderful stories and beautiful art. People love reading her books filled with fun adventures and looking at her colorful drawings. She also shares her cool drawings and stories on the internet, where more friends can see them.

Plus, Madison plays ultimate frisbee very well and swims fast in Lake Michigan, which makes many people admire her. She does so many things that make others happy, like writing exciting stories, making pretty pictures, and playing fun sports. That’s why so many people know her and think she is awesome!

Net Worth and Achievement

Madison Moore has done some pretty amazing things! Even though we don’t know exactly how much money she makes, being an author and artist is really cool. her net worth is estimated to be around $5 million.

Plus, she’s an editor too, helping make other people’s stories better. Madison has also become really good at playing ultimate frisbee and swimming, which might not be about money but are super achievements. So, Madison has achieved a lot by doing what she loves and sharing it with others, making her really special.

Nationality and Religion

Madison Moore is from a place called Chicago, which is in a big country named the United States. This means she is American, just like people who live in other cities and states in America.

When it comes to Religion is Christianity.  what some people follow that tells them about what they think is important in the world and how to be good to others. Just like everyone has their own favorite color or food, people also have their own beliefs that are special to them.

Legacy and Impact

Madison Moore is like a superhero in the world of art and stories. She shares her wonderful drawings and exciting books with everyone, spreading joy and inspiration. Madison teaches us that following our dreams and using our imagination can create beautiful things that make people happy.

She also shows us how fun it is to play sports and explore the outdoors. Madison’s work and fun activities remind us to be creative, stay active, and always be kind. Her story encourages kids and grown-ups to make their own adventures and share their special talents with the world.

Madison Moore Hobbies

  • Madison Moore loves doing lots of fun things when she’s not working. Here are some of her favorite hobbies:
  • Drawing and painting Madison likes to make cool pictures and art. She uses lots of colors and ideas from her imagination.
  • Playing ultimate frisbee She enjoys running around and catching the frisbee with her friends. It’s a game that’s fun and makes her happy.
  • Swimming in Lake Michigan Madison loves the water! She swims in the big lake, especially when it’s sunny and nice outside.
  • Reading books She loves to read stories and learn new things from books. It’s like going on adventures without leaving home.
  • Madison has lots of hobbies that keep her busy and happy!

Madison Moore Favorite Things

Color: Madison loves the color blue. It reminds her of the sky and the water in Lake Michigan.

Food: Pizza is her top pick! She enjoys trying different toppings but cheese is her favorite.

Animal: Dogs, especially ones that are fluffy and love to play fetch.

Book: Madison loves stories about adventures and magic. She thinks reading is like finding treasure.

Season: Summer is her favorite because she can swim and play outside a lot.

Movie: She enjoys funny cartoons that make her laugh out loud.

Sport: Ultimate frisbee is her favorite sport because she gets to run and jump with friends.

Interesting Facts About Madison Moore

  • Madison has written two books. She loves to write stories!
  • She went to the University of Chicago. That’s a big school!
  • Madison works as an editor. She checks if stories are good to read.
  • She plays a game called ultimate frisbee. It’s super fun!
  • Madison swims in a big lake called Lake Michigan. It’s really big!
  • She makes art. Madison likes to draw and paint pictures.
  • Madison loves eating pizza. Cheese pizza is her favorite.
  • Her favorite color is blue. It reminds her of the sky and water.


What does Madison Moore do?

Madison writes books, draws pictures, and checks if stories are good. She also plays games and swims.

Where does Madison like to swim?

She loves swimming in Lake Michigan. It’s a very big lake!

What’s Madison’s favorite color and food?

Madison loves the color blue because it looks like the sky and water. She also loves eating pizza, especially with cheese on top.

Does Madison play any sports?

Yes, she plays ultimate frisbee. It’s a fun game where she runs and catches with friends.

What animals does Madison like?

Madison loves dogs a lot. She thinks they’re fun and loves when they play fetch.

What religion is Madison?

James Madison was born in 1751 to a wealthy, slave-owning Virginia family. He was baptized in the Anglican Church. Short, shy, and often ill, Madison was weak and exhausted. But, he had a keen, inquiring mind and a voracious appetite for knowledge.

Did James Madison have a religion?

The lack of evidence has allowed for much interpretation. Writers have created Madison in the image of their own religious beliefs. To Christian scholars Madison is a paragon of piety; to those of a more secular bent he is a deist.

How many Muslims are in Madison WI?

It is currently estimated that the Muslim population in the Madison area sits at around 15,000. Community leaders like Al-Gahaithi and Warsi worry about serving the growing Muslim population.

What gender is Madison?

The gender-neutral British name Madison means “son of Matthew” or “son of Maud.” Not too long ago, Madison was in play as one of the top 5 most popular girls’ names in the country. While still widely used, it has dropped.

What did Madison believe?

The Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, protects fundamental rights. Jefferson and Madison saw them as essential. They include religious liberty, free speech, due process, and protection against arbitrary government actions.

Was Alexander Hamilton religious?

His lifelong estrangement from religion was solidified when the church deemed burial inappropriate for a “stained” woman like Rachel. Despite this, young Alexander was religious. Among the male adults who befriended the orphaned boy was Hugh Knox, a Presbyterian minister.

Do deists believe in Jesus?

Christian deists do not worship Jesus as God. Views differ on the exact nature of Jesus. Opinions also vary on how closely to adhere to traditional, orthodox deism.

What is Madison famous for?

Madison is known for its great craft beverages. They are featured at events like the Great Taste of the Midwest, Craft Beer Week, and the Isthmus Beer & Cheese Festival. The Old Fashioned in Downtown Madison was voted as having Wisconsin’s Best Cheese Curds. Madison is home to several James Beard award winners.


Madison Moore is a very talented person who does lots of cool stuff! She writes books that take you on adventures and draws beautiful pictures. Madison loves to play outside, whether it’s catching a frisbee or swimming in a big lake.

She also loves dogs, eating pizza, and her favorite color is blue. Madison works hard at her job checking stories and making sure they’re great to read. She shows us that following our hobbies and doing what we love makes us super happy. Madison is really awesome at making her dreams come true!


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